Thursday, July 29, 2010

An Open Letter to my Fellow Rand Paulers


I'll make this quick because we're all busy these days.

I was interviewed recently by a journalist at a major publication. It went okay, I think, but I won't be doing that again. Intense. Very intense. I told him, "The tea-party movement is a mixed bag, so to speak," and "As American citizens, we're all shareholders in the business of government," and, finally, "We're living in a 'sound-bite society' that makes it difficult to have civil discourse," or something along those lines. Like I said, a decent interview, but I certainly don't plan to do that again.

I want to make it clear, of course, that I had nothing bad to say about Rand Paul. Nothing. But I'm quite fearful that I'll be misquoted. My message to Rand Paul supporters is this: carry a digital audio recorder with you at all times, in your front pocket, and be sure to turn it on when you're interviewed. (That's why I rarely wear T-shirts these days!) Better yet, avoid interviews entirely. The guy who interviewed me seemed fair and nice enough, but not all interviewers are this way. And you might not be able to tell, at first, if your interlocutor has an agenda antithetical to yours. Anyway, I'll link you guys to the article when it's available. I kinda hope I'm not in it, though. Good thing I'm bland, I guess.

Well, back to lunch. And don't forget to vote for Rand Paul in November! It's just around the corner...

In Liberty,

Monday, March 29, 2010

Rand Paul speaks at pro-gun rally

I should note that I'm not fond of the term "gun rights" or "states' rights." I'd prefer "individual rights" and "state sovereignty," or something like that. Nonetheless, I use those terms occasionally because of their clarity: everyone knows what I'm talking about. Anyway, here's Dr. Paul giving a speech at a gun rights rally. See what I mean, I said "gun rights." Oh, well. But I do support the individual right to keep and bear arms--and so does Rand.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Rand Paul for Kentucky Coal (video included)

Okay, another Rand Paul video. Only a few more, I promise. I can't get enough of the guy, but some of you read this for other reasons, and I am a versatile guy, you know.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

"My Name Is Gurley Martin! Gurley L. Martin!"

Below is the best Gurley Martin video out there. Mr. Martin is vying for the Republican nom in Kentucky's high-profile U.S. Senate race. He interrupted a forum on February 13, 2010 in Paducah, Kentucky because he wasn't allowed to participate. Now, perhaps, we know why. Check it out:

SEARCH TERMS: gurley l. martin us senate candidate u.s. rand paul ron trey grayson bill johnson paducah forum debate february 13 2010 outburst protest not allowed to participate misspelling girly girley I'm gurley l. martin my name is gurley martin j.g.m. davi